Are Sedona Vortexes Real?

One of the highest summits in Sedona, Thunder Mountain apparently is struck by lightning about 4000 times a year.

Welcome to DEREST POPPY, a journal about jewelry, beauty, and high-desert living. Here we explore ideas about abundance, art, nature and creative community.

You may have heard talk about vortexes in Sedona. Vortexes are sometimes defined as swirling centers of concentrated earthly energy that may be the intersections of Ley lines, natural lines of energy, that are part of the earth’s magnetic field. There are many ideas about Sedona’s vortexes, but I can only share my experience and impressions I have gathered.

I like how Bhagavan Das described Sedona’s rock formations at his performance at the Seven Centers Yoga Center years ago. He said the mountains are like temples. If you have traveled to parts of Asia, you may find this likeness to stupas. Not only do the structures look sacred, but they feel sacred.

There is an undeniable energy unique to this area. It may be the fact that Sedona was once under the ocean and now ancient sand covers the trails. Maybe the gentle imprint left by the native peoples who held divine reverence for this land, stirs in the wind and grows with the roots. Perhaps the generations of mountain lions, javalina, bob cats, mule tail deer, coyote, cardinals, cotton tails, jack rabbits, snakes, and tarantulas, all humbly thriving, may have

something to do with the resonance. The magical Oak Creek that carves through the canyon and runs through Sedona surely has something to do with energetic current here.

I once heard Eva Wong, a fengshui practitioner, talk about how different types of land formations contained specific functions, for example, Thunder Mountain may have a protective energy, while Sugar Loaf may be a generator of energy. She also said that formations want to be called by their true names, not names like ‘Coffee Pot’, but ‘Sacred Eagle Rock’ in its original tongue, for example. I’d love to know the true names.

Sugar Loaf Loop is a mellow walk through the Red Rocks. Coffee Pot, aka Sacred Eagle Rock, magestically takes the helm.

I have heard it said that Sedona is like a big copper bowl where everything gets intensified and what we have to work on comes right to the surface. Sedona may be testing, but it is also abundant. One’s ability to manifest can be amplified here, some agree, so make what you think about intentional.

A friend told me that this area is struck by lightning a lot and because there is so much quartz in the ground as well as underground water ways, there is an energetic charge that is contained in the earth here. Another friend says that when she has a weighted question she asks a particular formation that looks like the face of an old native man and he answers back through her inner voice.

I have said many prayers here, with feet on the ground. And many ways have been revealed and doors opened. I approach this land with humility and love. I look at the microscopic features that may be missed on a mountain bike, like the tiny foot prints left by insects and the tail tracks of lizards.

There are many stories here- stories of the elements, of lush times, of dry times, of plants, animals and people. Magic awaits, if you sit still, or race. The energy is for all and is ever present. I feel blessed to be here and to be designing and creating at the base of the Red Rocks. I believe that the essence of Sedona is imbued in each piece that I send out.


Intentional Design


Desert Sky Collection